The 1HF Creed:
As a member of our One Human Family, I choose of my own free will to treat all people with respect and dignity. I recognize that every person is my brother or sister in our human family regardless of what they look like, what they believe, how they choose to live, and whether I agree with them or not. I will do my part to help all people receive fair treatment and reach their highest potential. I will have the courage to help people when they are down or in harm’s way, and the wisdom to let them learn for themselves. I will show empathy to those who suffer, forgive those who have wronged me, and be a friend to those who will let me. This is my promise to our human family.
Our Purpose & Goals:
Our goal is to keep our 1HF (One Human Family) connected and promote acceptance of all people as our brothers and sisters even if we don’t agree on many issues and despite our differences. After paying expenses, 1HF will donate funds raised through the sale of 1HF© brand and partner products, and non-tracked ads, etc. to organizations involved in the relief of human suffering and promoting education for the well-being of our One Human Family.
When you display or wear the 1HF logo, you are saying “it’s ok we’re different, let’s not let that get in the way.” 1HF is not fighting against any particular group, nor is it promoting the cultural beliefs, politics, or values of any specific group. That said, 1HF does NOT turn a blind-eye to those who would do harm to our Human Family. 1HF is promoting the “Human Family Values” of treating each other with respect regardless of our differences and engaging in charitable efforts that literally make the world a better place for all to enjoy and thrive.
So… feel free to visit and share with friends and family in a FREE, SAFE, and OPEN environment. We’ll also do our part to make this site a resource to you by providing links to organizations that give hope and help to our human family and give a voice to an ever-growing population of caring and open-minded people who recognize we are all in this together. We’ll mention many great people, companies and organizations who help to improve our 1HF, and we’ll look for ways to be a force for good in our world!